Days on end. Rubric cubes for the quick hand, the nimble mind. Lusty boys on the playground, waiting for the bell to ring. A demanding muse, whiplashing through your days. The ticking clock in a digital world. The heart-stopper, dressed up like candy. Baby steps into an ominous future. Resistance hampers the journey.
Don’t give up your trade secrets to the rabble. Sit still, watch the wind blow. The wind is invisible, but it moves things.
Cry freedom. Sleep alone, walk alone, sing the high notes when the baritone falters. Move on cat’s feet, pounce, disappear.
Morning light. New day dawning. A sudden realization is the end of the journey. The return of the native. Here he comes, wandering up the lane a changed man. He left with a steamer trunk and an entourage and returns with a knapsack. The dogs sniff the air and then rush off to greet him.
He opens his knapsack and out fly butterflies and strange wonders. Reluctantly, we wave from a distance.